
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gondry: Something [0.1] that always struck me [0.1]is that we get the representation of the world by symbols first [0.3]
Like logically [0.1] you would see a dog and then a drawing of a dog and get the connection.
But in your life you are exposed to a representation of a dog in a very simplified way [/?] and then
you go outside and see the real thing.

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Noam: The trouble is that’s not that way it works. [0.3] Now that’s very common-sensical just false.

No, I’m not- I’m saying it’s how it’s exposed, [ugh, like we –what – we ]
Noam: [ It makes – no(t) – it makes] sense. [0.2] And every work of philosophy or linguistics says exactly that. [0.2] it just happen to be false. [0.1] Further every infant knows it. Fairy stories are based on the fact that it’s false. Like take the fairy story that [any child understands] –Gondry : [ (breath) ]
Gondry: – No, I’m not saying that child believes it’s a real dog. What I’m saying is that –Noam: but That’s not the point [0.1]

Noam: We do not identify dogs in terms of their physical characteristics.Gondry: [0.4] (grunt)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Supposedly I am going to Urbana Illinois to start work in about a week